Smart and Secure Future Computing Research Experiences for Undergraduates

Smart and secure Future Computing

Summer REU in Computing

May 27 – July 25, 2025.

Come join us on UNC Charlotte’s campus for a 9 week research experience in cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.

Applications for 2025 will open in December. See the instructions on the Application page.

Priority deadline: Application review will start February 1, and continue until positions are filled.

Our Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program engages undergraduate students in the state of the art in cybersecurity and artificial intelligence with a variety of cutting-edge domains. The program immerses students in a truly collaborative research community. We teach research skills through training sessions and experiential, hands-on learning, while students are active contributors to a community of practice that includes faculty, graduate students, and peers.

Students have the opportunity to explore research problems and advance solutions in cybersecurity and artificial intelligence to address real-world problems with broad societal impact. Past projects have included the development of algorithms for analyzing medical images to improve clinical diagnosis of heart conditions and breast cancer, visualization of algorithms for vandal detection, examining perceptions of makerspaces, and studies of privacy and user expectations in social media.

We welcome participation from all students. We are particularly committed to broadening participation of underrepresented groups in computing, and strongly encourage applications from women and underrepresented minority students, students from institutions where research opportunities are limited, and applicants from minority and women’s institutions.


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The REU Site is funded by the National Science Foundation.

6th Site Award, NSF #2244424 –  REU Site: Smart and Secure Future Computing

5th Site Award, NSF #1757844 – REU Site: Making Future Communities:Infrastructure and Interaction Design for Cyber-Physical Systems

4th Site Award, NSF#1461166 – REU Site: Socially Relevant Computing in Pervasive Computing, Computer Vision, and Human-Computer Interaction

3rd Site Award, NSF#1156822 – REU Site: Exploring Human Centered and Socially Relevant Interactive Technologies in Computer Vision, Visualization, Pervasive Computing, Serious Games, and Social Networks

2nd Site Award, NSF #0851745 – REU Site: Socially Relevant Computing Research: Visualization, Virtual Environments, Gaming, and Networking

1st Site Award, NSF #0552631 – REU Site: Computing Research for Undergraduates: Visualization, Virtual Environments, Gaming, and Networking