Preview the La Carte Student Survey

CISE REU A la Carte Survey

A PDF of the complete survey is available. A Qualtrics file can be provided upon request to
The survey code book is available.

Following questions were asked to students in pre-REU and post-REU surveys. Notes:

  1. The questions under “Mentoring” and “Overall Program Satisfaction” module are part of Post-REU survey and are not in Pre-REU survey collector.
  2. The number printed after each survey question represents the SPSS variable number that is included in the site specific datasets of their student responses.
Module: Introduction and Consent
Survey Question: My participation in the survey is acknowledged that I have read and understand the consent agreement and agree to participate [q0001].
Response Categories: Yes, I agree to participate in this survey (1).
No, I do not agree to participate in this survey (2).
Module: Survey Terminology
Survey Question: Please indicate the specific field applicable to your research project [q0002].
Module: General Self-Efficacy
Survey Question: Please rate your degree of confidence with the following statements.
I can:

Locate primary research literature (e.g. journal articles) [q0003_0001].

Formulate a research hypothesis [q0003_0002]

Design an experimental test of a solution to a problem [q0003_0003]

Collect data [q0003_0004]

Statistically analyze data [q0003_0005]

Interpret data analyses [q0003_0006]

Reformulate a research hypothesis [q0003_0007]

Orally communicate the results of research projects [q0003_0008]

Write a research paper for publication [q0003_0009]

Work with others to investigate a research problem [q0003_0010]

Discuss research with other students [q0003_0011]

Discuss research with graduate students [q0003_0012]

Discuss research with professors [q0003_0013]

Discuss research at a professional meeting or conference [q0003_0014]

Response Categories: 5 = Strongly Agree, 4 = Somewhat Agree, 3 = Neutral, 2= Somewhate Disagree, 1= Strongly Disagree

Module: Intentions toward Graduate School

Survey Question: For me to apply to graduate school is (extremely good/extremely bad) [q0004].

Response Categories: 5 = Extremely Good, 4 = Somewhat Good, 3 = Neutral, 2 = Somewhat Bad, 1= Extremely Bad

Survey Question: Most people who are important to me think that (I should/should not) apply to graduate school in [my REU project] discipline [q0005].

Response Categories: 5 = I should (strong positive), 4 = I should (somewhat positive), 3 = Neutral, 2 = I shouldn’t (somewhat negative), 1 = I shouldn’t (strong negative)

Survey Question: I plan to apply to graduate school in a [my REU project] discipline [q0006].

Response Categories: 5 = Extremely Likely, 4 = Somewhat Likely, 3 = Neutral, 2 = Somewhat Unlikely, 1 = Extremely Unlikely

Survey Question: For me, to apply to graduate school in [my REU project] discipline is (extremely valuable/extremely worthless) [q0007].

Response Categories: 5 = Extremely Valuable, 4 = Somewhat Valuable, 3 = Neutral, 2 = Somewhat Worthless, 1 = Extremely Worthless.

Survey Question: It is expected of me that I will apply to Gradaute School in [my REU project] discipline [q0008]

Response Categories: 5 = Definitely True, 4 = Somewhat True, 3 = Neutral, 2 = Somewhat False, 1 = Definitely False.

Survey Question: I will make an effort to apply to graduate school in [my REU project] discipline [q0009].

Response Categories: 5 = Definitely Will, 4 = Will, 3 = Neutral, 2 = Will not, 1 = Definitely Will Not.

Survey Question: For me to apply to graduate school in [my REU project] discipline is (Extremely beneficial/extremely harmful) [q0010].

Response Categories: 5 = Extremely Beneficial, 4 = Somewhat Beneficial, 3 = Neutral, 2 = Somewhat Harmful, 1 = Extremely Harmful.

Survey Question: I am confident that if I wanted to I could apply to graduate school in [my REU project] discipline [q0011].

Response Categories: 5 = Definitely True, 4 = Somewhat True, 3 = Neutral, 2 = Somewhat False, 1 = Definitely False.

Survey Question: I intend to apply to graduate school in [my REU project] discipline [q0012].

Response Categories: 5 = Strongly Agree, 4 = Somewhat Agree, 3 = Neutral, 2 = Somewhat Disagree, 1 = Strongly Disagree.

Survey Question: For me to apply to graduate school in [my REU project] discipline is (extremely pleasant/extremely unpleasant) [q0013].

Response Categories: 5 = Extremely Pleasant, 4 = Somewhat Pleasant, 3 = Neutral, 2 = Somewhat Unpleasant, 1 = Extremely Unpleasant.

Survey Question: Most people whose opinions I value would approve of me applying to graduate school in [my REU project] discipline [q0014].

Response Categories: 5 = Strongly Agree, 4 = Somewhat Agree, 3 = Neutral, 2 = Somewhat Disagree, 1 = Strongly Disagree.

Module: Attitudes

Survey Question: Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.

I hope that my future career will require the use of [my REU project

discipline] concepts [q0015_0001].

I think [my REU project discipline] is boring [q0015_0002].

Women and men can both excel in careers that involve [my REU project

discipline] [q0015_0003].

My career goals do not require that I learn [my REU project discipline] skills


I like to use [my REU project discipline] to solve problems [q0015_0005].

The challenge of solving problems using [my REU project discipline] does not

appeal to me [q0015_0006].

I am not comfortable with learning [my REU project discipline] concepts


I think [my REU project discipline] is interesting [q0015_0008].

I expect that learning to use [my REU project discipline] skills will help me

achieve my career goals [q0015_0009].

I hope that I can find a career that does not require the use of [my REU project

discipline] concepts [q0015_0010].

The challenge of solving problems using [my REU project discipline] appeals

to me[q0015_0011].

I do not like using [my REU project discipline] to solve problems


I would voluntarily take additional [my REU project discipline] courses if I

were given the opportunity[q0015_0013].

Developing [my REU project discipline] skills will be important to my career


Response Categories: 5 = Strongly Agree, 4 = Somewhat Agree, 3 = Neutral, 2 = Somewhat Disagree, 1 = Strongly Disagree.

Module: Help Seeking and Coping

Survey Question: When I do poorly on an important exam, typically:

I think about how I might best handle the problem [q0016_0001]

I do what has to be done one step at a time [q0016_0002]

I think about the reason(s) why the situation occurred [q0016_0003]

I try to come up with a strategy about what to do [q0016_0004]

I say to myself ‘this isn’t real’ [q0016_0005]

I think hard about what steps to take [q0016_0006]

I take additional action to try to get rid of the problem [q0016_0007]

Response Categories: 5 = Strongly Agree, 4 = Somewhat Agree, 3 = Neutral, 2 = Somewhat Disagree, 1 = Strongly Disagree.

Module: Research Skills and Knowledge

Survey Question: Please indicate how much you know about the following on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being “nothing at all” and 5 being “a great deal.”

Science of design [q0017_0001]

Research proposal write up [q0017_0002]

Research presentation preparation [q0017_0003]

Research presentation [q0017_0004]

Application to Graduate school [q0017_0005]

Technical & scientific writing tools [q0017_0006]

Ethics in scientific research [q0017_0007]

Authorship citations [q0017_0008]

Project management [q0017_0009]

Application of the scientific method [q0017_0010]

Poster design [q0017_0011]

Conference participation [q0017_0012]

Analyzing data with statistics or other tools [q0017_0013]

Problem-solving in general [q0017_0014]

Formulating a research hypothesis that could be answered with data


Identifying appropriate research methods and designs [q0017_0016]

Understanding the theory and concepts guiding a research project


Defending an argument when asked questions [q0017_0018]

Explaining my project to people outside my field [q0017_0019]

Understanding and summarizing journal articles [q0017_0020]

Relate results to the “bigger picture” [q0017_0021]

The nature of the job of a researcher [q0017_0022]

Working collaboratively with others [q0017_0023]

What graduate school is like [q0017_0024]

Career options in research [q0017_0025]

Working independently [q0017_0026]

Response Categories: 5 = A great deal, 4 = Some things, 3 = Neutral, 2 = Very less, 1 = Nothing at all

Module: Scientific Leadership

Survey Question: Below, we ask you questions about leadership and teamwork. By leadership we mean getting people to work together effectively to answer a question or solve a problem (e.g., motivating good performance, dealing with conflict, etc.). Teamwork includes communication, collaboration, etc. Please choose the one number that indicates your agreement with the following statements.

I know how to cooperate effectively as a member of a team [q0018_0001].

I find it easy to follow instructions or take orders from others [q0018_0002].

I have high confidence in my ability to function as part of a team


I can provide strong support for other members of any team that I am on


I know how to be a good team member [q0018_0005].

I know a lot about what it takes to be a good leader [q0018_0006].

I know what it takes to help a team accomplish its task [q0018_0007].

I am confident of my ability to influence a team I lead [q0018_0008].

I know how to encourage good team performance [q0018_0009].

I am able to allow other team members to contribute to the task when

leading a team. [q0018_0010].

I can train or supervise students and/or technicians in the laboratory


Response Categories: 5 = Strongly Agree, 4 = Somewhat Agree, 3 = Neutral, 2 = Somewhat Disagree, 1 = Strongly Disagree.

Module: Scientific Identity

Survey Question: The following questions ask how you think about yourself and your personal identity. We want to understand how much you think that being a scientist is part of who you are. Please choose the one number that indicates your agreement with the following items.

In general, being a scientist is an important part of my self-image [q0019_0001].

I have a strong sense of belonging to the community of scientists [q0019_0002].

Being a scientist is an important reflection of who I am [q0019_0003].

I have come to think of myself as a “scientist.” [q0019_0004].

I feel like I belong in the field of science [q0019_0005].

I am a scientist [q0019_0006].

Response Categories: 5 = Strongly Agree, 4 = Somewhat Agree, 3 = Neutral, 2 = Somewhat Disagree, 1 = Strongly Disagree.

Module: Mentoring (only on post survey)

Survey Question: My primary mentor during the summer REU program was [q0020]:

Response Categories: A Faculty Advisor (1), A Graduate Student (2), Other

Survey Question: My primary mentor during the summer REU program was [q0021]:

Response Categories: Male (1), Female (2)

Survey Question: Please indicate the extent to which you agree with each statement

below about your mentor. My mentor:

was accessible [q0022_0001]

demonstrated professional integrity [q0022_0002]

demonstrated content expertise in my area of need [q0022_0003]

was approachable [q0022_0004]

was supportive and encouraging [q0022_0005]

provided constructive and useful critiques of my work [q0022_0006]

was helpful in providing direction and guidance on research project issues [q0022_0007]

answered my questions satisfactorily (e.g. timely, clear, comprehensive) [q0022_0008]

acknowledged my contributions appropriately [q0022_0009]

suggested appropriate resources [q0022_0010]

challenged me to extend my abilities [q0022_0011]

Response Categories: 5 = Strongly Agree, 4 = Somewhat Agree, 3 = Neutral, 2 = Somewhat Disagree, 1= Strongly Disagree

Module: Overall Program

Survey Question: How satisfied were you with:

Your faculty advisor [q0023_0001]

Your housing arrangements (if applicable) [q0023_0002]

The program in general [q0023_0003]

Your research experience [q0023_0004]

Your interaction with project staff [q0023_0005]

Your interaction with other students [q0023_0006]

Response Categories: 5 = Highly Satisfied, 4= Somewhat Satisfied, 3 = Neutral, 2= Somewhat Dissatisfied, 1 = Highly Dissatisfied

Module: Demographic Information

Survey Question: At what institution are you participating in the REU program? [q0024]

Survey Question: What college or university are you currently attending? [q0025]

Survey Question: What is your gender? [q0026]

Response Categories: Male (1), Female (2)

Survey Question: What is your age? [q0027]

Survey Question: What is your ethnicity? [q0028]

Response Categories: Asian (1)

African American (2)

Hispanic/Latino (3)

Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (4)

Caucasian/White (5)

Native American/American Indian (6)

Multi-ethnic (7)


Survey Question: Do you have a documented disability? [q0029]

Response Categories: Yes (1), No (2)

Survey Question: What level will you be in school in the upcoming fall semester? [q0030]

Response Categories: Freshman (1), Sophomore (2), Junior (3), Senior (4)

Survey Question: What is your expected graduation from your current program? [q0031]

Survey Question: What is your preferred email address for being contacted for future follow up? [q0032]

Survey Question: What is your first name? [q0033]

Survey Question: What is your last name? [q0034]

Survey Question: Do you plan to participate in additional REUs? [q0035]

Response Categories: Yes (1), No (2), Uncertain (3)

Survey Question: What was the most rewarding experience for you during the REU project? [q0036]

Survey Question: What was the most frustrating experience for you during the REU project? [q0037]

Survey Question: Any additional comments and suggestions are welcome below [q0038]