Surveys and Instruments


A customizable online survey instrument of REU student outcomes
The Undergraduate Research Student Self-Assessment (URSSA) is an online survey instrument for use in evaluating student outcomes of undergraduate research experiences in the sciences. The URSSA survey items are grounded in an extensive body of research about undergraduate research and have been thoroughly tested and validated. Once registered on, you can:

  • Customize URSSA to fit your program’s goals and methods;
  • Search for an existing URSSA survey in your discipline;
  • Have students complete the survey online; and,
  • Download and review analyses of the students’ responses.

Please visit [link] to learn more about URSSA and to find instructions for how to examine and use it.

Development and testing of URSSA has been supported by the National Science Foundation through its Divisions of Chemistry and Undergraduate Education, the Biological Sciences Directorate, and the Office of Multidisciplinary Affairs, under grant #CHE-0548488.

Student Surveys

Faculty Surveys

Mentor Surveys

Longitudinal Survey

Qualitative Survey

Internal Administration